Sunday, October 9, 2011

Life is Busy.

This weekend was fun-filled and truth be told long. Friday V's PS3 took it's finally breath which was quite disappointing for him but we're coming through the grief pretty well. Saturday we ventured to his parent's house to see his sister off to her homecoming dance and get some family time in with V's brother and sister-in-law that are moving to Alaska on the 15th. Dinner and a comedy show (Frank Caliendo) with a good friend of mine from grad school and her husband followed by trying to stay awake to watch the Tiger's game completed the day. Today we celebrated V's sister's 17th birthday so it was a day full of food and family and was great.

But dang I'm glad to be home with just us and our guinea pigs...who are both male and seem to be trying to mate one another..sad day that I can't explain it won't be too fruitful for them but also a little funny. Never seen this before out of them so I'm not sure what's up with that.

It doesn't quite feel like Sunday night and I'm not really ready for this next week. Monday to Thursday will be pretty typical except that I'll be prepping to go to Iowa for my college roommate's wedding which I'm Maid of Honor in. And I have quite the to-do list to accomplish still before then. Hopefully we'll see my parents while we're in that neck of the woods. 

I'm also hoping I'll have a couple of calls about potential jobs/interviews this week. I'm working on a few different avenues right now and I just reallllllyyy want to be working again soon. This unemployed business is boring. The Kardashians and Law & Order crews have been great but I need some real stimulation and I need it quick! 

Anyways, that's all for my really un-exciting post. I am working on developing some new goals for blogging and perhaps have a couple of projects that I'll be working on to post soon! Night!

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