Monday, July 7, 2014

The Slow Down

I have learned that there comes a time where inevitably we must slow down. We have to back away from over-commitment, stop multi-tasking, turn off the cell phone. Life moves fast and you suddenly are unable to maintain the pace with the 6-minute milers and join the pack of 10- or 11- or maybe even 20-minute milers. 

I have reached that point and it is because I am 9 months pregnant. But as I watch my fourth rerun episode of Grey's today, I realized that maybe I should have started the slow down sooner. Maybe we all need to slow down. Sure I am not the first to say that our world is spinning off it's axis at the rate that we try to live our lives. But maybe, just maybe, this can be a reminder to slow down. Not just when life becomes unbearable, but before. 

Let's slow down to enjoy both the good times and the bad times. To touch close to our hearts and reflect on what is really important to us. To see what makes our hearts pound a little faster while our minds slow down to focus on just that. Find our passions, seek out opportunities to grown them or develop new ones. To get back in line with our personal values.

The last several months have flown by at warp speed, but there are several moments during them where life has allowed me to pause and fully etch the memories deep into my heart and soul. I am sure that over the coming months I will need to remind myself to stop and appreciate that it will only be a few short months of my life that I will ever have the privilege of introducing a new human to the world--even if that means that sleep is a figment of my imagination and I have become a human vending machine. 

Life is moving quickly, and it is up to me, and you to choose to slow down rather than being forced to. And I am happy to have this wonderful man striding right beside me through life, no matter what pace I am currently working in. And especially when I need help getting up off the couch or reaching my feet :)

Here's to new life adventures, to being so excited about this new little life to get here, and to strength in patience as I learn to live, more now than ever before, on the schedule of a potentially very stubborn tiny human.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

You Know You Are Pregnant When....

You wardrobe has become a well oiled machine or two types of pants, both with panels that go to your ever growing breasts, a handful of shirts, and stretchy dresses that require no thought in the morning routine.

Your feet swell each afternoon large enough for your husband to question if feet can get stretch marks too.

You upgraded to a king sized bed because your husband is sick of sleeping on the remaining four inches of mattress after you, your large belly, and even larger pregnancy pillow are all comfortably situated.

All you think about is baby related and your google searches take a turn for the very strange and very random. Example: Is it normal for hair to grow longer on stomach when pregnant? Or: Best method for cleaning poop out of cloth diapers. And those are pretty PG.

You start hearing things like " wow! You've really popped!" and are not offended because you actually love your baby bump and appreciate that your body can perform this miracle all by itself.

You hear strange facts that stick with you. And have to tell everyone you talk to for the exit 48 hours. Did you knows that he placenta is the only organ the body creates and then sheds?

You try to eat healthy foods, after all, baby eats what you eat. But then a McDouble screams your name. Or that bag of chocolate frosted donuts. Or extra large slurpee. And then back to veggies and smoothies.

You officially turn into your mother. With well-thought out plans to do some things differently, but then when pregnancy gets weird you call her because hers is the only advice you want to hear.

Today I am 32 weeks into this baby making business. I am truly loving it and cannot wait to meet this little one that I will be responsible for keeping alive. Luckily, Vince will share that responsibility! Here's to two months of reading about child birth, organizing all of he baby stuff we have received, and continuous spurts of nesting that have me in cleaning fits but area so nice because our apartment has never been cleaner!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

24 Weeks

Dear Little One,

As I sit here in my car in the soft rain, having just devoured a delicious grilled PB&J (you have me craving peanut butter like crazy lately) I am thinking about last night.
Your Daddy and I toured the hospital where you will be born in just 16 short weeks. 4 months Little One. As we walked down the lavender hallways of the hospital a smile spread across my face and I couldn't wait until we are there for real. Until we get to find out if you are our baby boy or baby girl. Until we get to see if you have your Daddy's dimples or my nose. Until we get to cuddle you and soothe you when you cry.
I know that those first hours and weeks and months will be tiring, you'll be brand new to this world so of course you'll need time to adjust. But I. Can't. Wait.
And neither can your Dad. You have been kicking like crazy in my tummy but have been stingy in letting others feel your strength. After some squirms and one big high five you now stop moving all together if Daddy puts his hand on my belly. Last night he said he wants to invent a belt that he and I could each wear. Mine would have a sensor that picks up your little kicks and punches and then it would send those signals over to his so that he could "feel" your kicks too. Now he may change his mind later when your little arms and legs get stronger and start to hurt rather than just tickle. But for now he can't wait until he can experience more of your pregnancy than fetching slurpee and reeses pieces at 10 pm or listening to me grunt as I roll my now very round but soon to be rounder belly over at night.
We are so excited to meet you Little One. So excited to have a real name for you. To be able to know what pronoun to use and stop feeling guilty for calling you It. But you stay nice and tight in there and keep growing nice and strong and we will see you in July, sweet thing.  We will be ready and waiting :)

