Thursday, September 27, 2012

I want to...

Be one of the awesome bloggers that I read. I am constantly inspired by what I read on a daily basis and some integrates into my life but a lot leaves me feeling that there is something more that I need to do. Something I'm not yet reaching.

My status as a soon-to-be Mrs has made my head spin and my heart settle. I feel so confident in my relationship and it grounds me in ways I never knew possible. It is from this base that I want to grow.

I want to be the best partner for Vince because he deserves it. Just like I do. And I want us to push ourselves. And right now I give the excuse that I'm busy, and I truly am, but I know that I always will be.

And the women (and a few men too) that pour their hearts onto the pages of the world wide web are busy too. Busier than me I am sure. They have and continue to push themselves and to push those that read their words. I feel it in me that I could be a person that gets that fire burning in the belly of someone else. And right now, I an not doing that. Mostly I want to act on the fire that I feel, be passionate about my work. I used to be, and now I just kind of do my job. I get a pass until December. December and the new year, you will see my flames.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wedding Sounds

One of the more challenging wedding planning tasks for us has been choosing music. You see, Vince and I like some of the same music, but largely what we individually like the other dislikes. And the shared likes don't always make great wedding music. And we both want good sounding and feeling music and I care too much if some of the lyrics are off. Needless to say, we have a few more songs to settle upon. Both of us live the song below, and while it was a contender for our first dance for a long time, ultimately there's some lyrics that just make me twitch. But its beautiful, and this cover is incredible. And Vince's talented siblings will sing/play their cover of this cover during our ceremony. So here's our ceremony sounds sneak peek:
Watch "Make You Feel My Love - Bob Dylan (Dan & Kari Ballesteros)" on YouTube


Growing up my family was always competitive. My sister and I always seemed to pit ourselves against each other. We compared, we wanted things even but in life things aren't even. And we were competitive. Watch out at a Feist game of Scrabble, we take that very seriously!

Since we now live across the country from one another I have a better perspective on this. What I didn't realize until recently is that I've replaced this comparison to my sister to my peers. Let me tell you a little story about me...

Vince and I met and started dating in April 2010. We quickly fell in love, however, V at first was apprehensive of titles and commitments but I stuck it out because I felt strongly that he'd come around (which he did) eventually. But what I may not have shared outside of a few people is how incredibly jealous I was when others, including V's younger brother, got engaged and married when we weren't. I was comparing US to THEM (not just the sibs, friends and complete strangers too!)

Fast forward to a few months before we got engaged, I was already reading the, albeit beautiful, garbage in the blogosphere about weddings. I created this glorified image of what our someday wedding would look like. I also dreamt of our married life, so don't think I'm totally shallow on everything, please.

I have had to let go.

Of the way I envisioned things before, but beautiful things have come from that. But lately. Lately I will be honest, I'm comparing again. I look at others' marriages that are wonderful and beautiful and something from the outside that I can never, ever, appreciate as much as they do. Much like they won't be able to for ours.
But here's the catch. I feel judged. We live together and aren't yet married and family members have made it very clear that they disapprove. But I don't. Vince doesn't. This may seem obvious because WE decided to live our lives this way, but I love to please authority and making decisions against it make me self-conscious.

It makes me compare.

Am I not going to be as good of a wife because of this? Is that what they think? It makes me spend hours researching being a wife who submits to her husband even though the whole time everything inside me is screaming THAT'S NOT US. It's just a bible reading, and there's a ton in there that I do not believe should be followed to the letter but as a guide to life.

It's not me. It's not what I believe. It's not what feels right and happy and joyful in this time of wedding planning. It's like wearing too tight jeans, they button and I can fit myself into them, but oh, man, are they uncomfortable. And I don't want people to tell me I'm wrong because I think about it plenty on my own. I'm thorough. Trust me I am. Don't make me where the tight pants.

So please don't judge. Don't assume that you know what is right for me, and my marriage and I will try not to compare my life to yours. Try. Try. With regular reminders to myself, of course.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2 More Months as Ms. Feist

Not that anyone calls me Ms. Feist on a daily basis but in just 61 days my name will be changing. 61 days to get several projects done, to coordinate two dinner parties in two days while trying to maintain my sanity. Luckily I have a lot of helpful hands.

Right? Right! So if you've offered help, please know I'll be calling you very, very soon too take you up in that offer!

61 more days, woot woot! Can't wait!

Gotta buy my dancing shoes and break them in!