Friday, January 6, 2012

An Open Letter to Drivers Everywhere

Dear Drivers of Michigan (and everywhere else too!),

Now that I am on the roads much more frequently than in the past I have noticed the terrible behavior going on between those sharing the road. I am quite certain that your Driver's Ed instructor did not teach you that the following are acceptable behaviors while driving:

1. Talking, texting, or singing to the point that you are unable to maintain your vehicle in it's current lane.
2. Honking while waiting at a stop light in the right turn lane. If  the sign says "no turn on red" you cannot expect someone to disobey the stated instructions.
3. Honking while trying to exit a parking lot because you think the person can make the turn when really they will be smashed by that semi truck that is going fast. Have some patience.
4. HONKING at all. The horn is for alerting others to danger or near accidents. It can occasionally be used to inform someone of a light changing, but please give them a reaction second. Nothing is so important to blare your horn behind someone because you're a jerk.
5. Limit hand gestures to signaling others to cross in front of you, signs indicating expletives are not friendly or appreciated.
6. Drive within an appropriate range of the speed limit. 10 below and 20 over are not great for the flow of traffic.
7. If you notice an accident, don't gawk, you'll never really know what happened in the pile up so why stare and nearly become an incidental accident yourself. Just keep moving, unless it's right in front of you and you need to call the authorities for assistance, you will not be helpful in staring.
8. Proceed with caution anytime inclement weather is a factor. Yes, yes, you do drive a huge truck with 4-wheel drive, but it's dark and I can't see you flying around in the left lane when my little Cobalt is slipping and sliding so be patient. Besides, slowing down is probably still a good idea for you.
9. Alternately, if the snow is not making the roads slick, don't drive like it's a blizzard.
10. Did I say not to honk or yell or have road rage? It's not becoming of you.


Your Annoyed Fellow Driver

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I love this! I am continually amazed at the lack of courtesy on the road these days and I only drive 2 miles to work each way every day! Believe me, thats enough for me! I think you covered all my peeves in your post. take care!
