I have recently neglected this blog here, though this has not been my intention. I very much want to come here and continue to spew off my thoughts on this crazy live I am living. Lately though, I've been hard a work and blogging in another place.
Because I started a business. Heather Todero Events.
This has been a month chock full of trial and error. And lots and lots of learning. SEO. Didn't even really know what that meant until a few weeks ago. Creating a website? Other than this blogger account and myspace years ago I hadn't really customized anything. Now I've built one from
The thing that strikes me as so amazing during this process it the willingness of others, friends, family, strangers, to reach out to show their support to me. Incredible, really.
I feel busy, like really busy again. But it is in the best of busy ways. That exciting, pulse racing, busy. Adrenaline filled hours spent researching and networking and stepping outside of any boxes labeled "comfort" because that's what life is about isn't it?
We can't just live in this comfortable little bubble of a life--what fun would that be? Day in day out the same? Not for me, not in this one life that I get to live.
I am growing. And that, my friends, is a beautiful thing.
I'll be back here again, don't worry. But I am working my hardest to post two blogs a week over on HT Events' blog so you can find me there too.
And today, it is rainy and lovely. And I'm baking and reading and digesting on this Monday off of work.