Just found this in my drafts dated 12/28/12. It made me laugh, so typos and over shares and all I'm clicking publish.
Driving makes me sleepy. Or rather riding does. 10 hrs of driving, all but 10 minutes of it after the sun so gracefully set at 535pm in Michigan. I'm tires. So is my husband, but he's driving, and for once I'm trying to stay awake with him. So here are some probably very random observations of late:
Diet snapple is 10 calories, regular is 160. They taste exactly the same. How?
People in the mall are rude. But the puppies that are probably from a puppy mill are adorbs and I will never own one because my husband hates dogs. Like very, truly 100% kind of hate. The puppies don't make up for the rude people.
I want a fun party dress for New Years. Karsashian Kollection had two super cute ones. Might have to go back and get one. Yes, the Kardashians have cute clothing lines.
I have felt like I have hard, dry boogers waaaaaayyyy up in my nose. Overshare, no? I've blown, hell, I've picked. There's nothing there. Driving me crazy like a fox. Someone help me.
Old men love my red lipstick. They stare. They comment. They smile and flirt. Just kidding, no flirting. But I bet they want to.
On the same line, red lipstick makes me C.O.N.fident. You can stare people, I know its because my lips make my eyes pop and my new short hair just make me look even sassier. It's not because I have spinach in my teeth and spilled my cherry coke down my shirt. I'm hot!
But really, I do feel sassy.
Did I say I was tired? I get sassy when I'm tired.
Can not wait to get to Oskaloosa, Iowa and pass out. Over and out Mon amis. (incorrect French I am sure)